Back to Basics: A Lesson from the Volleyball Court

Walking Tree Wisdom Weekly

Hello Reader,

Finding a sports camp that would help my kids improve as athletes had been a challenge. But this week, the breakthrough finally arrived.

Nestled within a 40-minute drive from home, I found the training discipline and methodology that would help Sofi, my oldest daughter, improve as a volleyball player.

What set this camp apart was its approach.

It wasn’t about diving straight into gameplay; it was about honing each player’s skills and strengthening their foundation.

Technique was the cornerstone.

By breaking down movements and revisiting the fundamentals, players were primed for progress.

Building Blocks to Brilliance

With the basics firmly in place, the real magic began. Coaches orchestrated a seamless progression: guiding players from individual drills to cohesive teamwork, from controlled passes to synchronized plays.

Each step built upon the last, ensuring that fundamentals were rock-solid before complexity took center stage.

Translating Athletic Wisdom to Organizational Excellence

In the realm of business, there are so many parallels. Just as on the volleyball court, success hinges on a solid foundation. Often, business processes can become disjointed and chaotic, hindering progress.

It’s time to return to basics.

By dissecting complicated processes into manageable components and aligning every action with the overarching goal, businesses can pave the way for streamlined operations and unified teamwork.

Setting the Stage for Success

When tasks remain unfinished, quality is decreasing, or you feel there must be an easier way, it’s a sign to revisit the basics.

• Are objectives clear?
• Does each team member understand their role in the larger strategy?
• Are team members equipped with the necessary company and industry skills and knowledge?
• Do they know how to set up their teammates for success?

By reinforcing these fundamentals, companies can facilitate effective collaboration and adapt efficiently to changing circumstances.

In the journey towards an adaptive and profitable company, one truth remains constant: mastery of the basics is key to peak performance.

So, let’s embrace the mantra: stick to the basics, and watch as improved performance unfolds.

See you next week!

All the best,


Eloisa Marquez-Gonzalez

CEO / Efficiency and Sustainability Strategist



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